embedded software boot camp

Have you looked at your linker output file recently?

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008 by Nigel Jones

Of all the myriad of files involved in a typical embedded firmware project, probably the two most feared (and yes I do mean feared) are the linker control file (which tells the linker how to link your application) and the linker output file. Today it’s the latter which I’ll be talking about.

The linker output file tells you a myriad of information about the way your application has been put together. Unfortunately, much of it is in such a cryptic format that examination of the file is a painful process. Indeed, for this reason, I suspect that most projects are completed with nothing more than a cursory look at this file.

This is a shame, because examination of the linker output file can significantly reduce your debugging time. To show you what I mean, consider my typical action sequence when I first start coding up a project.

1. Write a module.
2. Compile module and correct all errors and warnings.
3. Lint module and correct all complaints from Lint.
4. Repeat steps 1, 2 & 3 until I have sufficient modules to be able to generate a linkable image.
5. Link image and repeat steps 1-4 until the linker has no warnings or errors.
6. Examine the linker output file.

I’d wager that most developers out there would be reaching for the debugger in step 6. The reason I do not, is because I can typically find some bugs simply by looking at the linker output. For example, consider this code sequence:

if (0 == var)
} else if (1 == var)
else if (2 == var)

I make these sort of copy and paste errors all the time. In this case, when var is 2, I meant to call function_c but inadvertently I ended up calling function_b again. Since function_b exists, the compiler is happy and so there are typically no warnings.

So how does looking at the linker output file help me in this case? Well, if you have a decent linker it will give you a list of all the functions that aren’t called and that consequently have been stripped out of the final image. If in perusing this list I see that function_c() is listed as uncalled, then I immediately know I’ve got a bug somewhere. Typically tracking it down is very easy.

I’ll leave for another day the other ways I use the linker output file to debug code.



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