Archive for the ‘Effective C/C++’ Category

Effective C Tip #8 – Structure Comparison

Friday, December 4th, 2009 Nigel Jones

This is the eighth in a series of tips on writing effective C. Today’s topic concerns how best to compare two structures (naturally of the same type) for equality. The conventional wisdom is that the only safe way to do this is by explicit member by member comparison, and that one should avoid doing a straight bit (actually byte) comparison using memcmp() because of the problem of padding bytes.

To see why this argument is advanced, one must understand that a compiler is free to place pad bytes between members of a structure so as produce more favorable alignment of the data in memory. Furthermore, the compiler is not obligated to initialize these pad bytes to any particular value. This code fragment illustrates the problem:

typedef struct
 uint8_t x;
 uint8_t pad1;  /* Compiler added padding */
 uint8_t y;
 uint8_t pad2;  /* Compiler added padding */
void foo(void)
 COORD p1 p2;
  p1.x = p2.x = 3;
  p1.y = p2.y = 4;
  /* Note pad bytes are not initialized */
  if (memcmp(&p1, &p2, sizeof(p1)) != 0)
    /* We may get here */

Thus, it’s clear that to avoid these kinds of problems, we must do a member by member comparison. However, before you rush off and start writing these member by member comparison functions, you need to be aware of a gigantic weakness with this approach. To see what I mean, consider the comparison function for my COORD structure. A reasonable implementation might look like this:

bool are_equal(COORD *p1, COORD *p2)
 return ((p1->x == p2->x)  &&  (p1->y == p2->y));
void foo(void)
 COORD p1 p2;
 p1.x = p2.x = 3;
 p1.y = p2.y = 4;
 if (!are_equal(&p1, &p2))
   /* We should never get here */

Now consider what happens if I add a third member z to the COORD structure. My structure definition and function foo() become:

typedef struct
 uint8_t x;
 uint8_t pad1;  /* Compiler added padding */
 uint8_t y;
 uint8_t pad2;  /* Compiler added padding */
 uint8_t z;
 uint8_t pad3;  /* Compiler added padding */
void foo(void)
 COORD p1 p2;
 p1.x = p2.x = 3;
 p1.y = p2.y = 4;
 p1.z = 6;
 p2.z = 5;
 if (!are_equal(&p1, &p2)
  /* We will not get here */

The problem is that I now have to remember to also update the comparison function. Now clearly in a simple case like this, it isn’t a big deal. However, in the real world where you might have a 500 line file, with the comparison function buried miles away from the structure declaration, it is way too easy to forget to update the comparison function. The compiler is of no help. Furthermore it’s my experience that all too often these sorts of problems can exist for a long time before they are caught. Thus the bottom line, is that member by member comparison has its own set of problems.

So what do I suggest? Well, I think the following is a reasonable approach:

  1. If there is no way that your structure can change (presumably because of outside constraints such as hardware), then use a member by member comparison.
  2. If you are working on a system where structure members are aligned on byte boundaries (which is true to the best of my knowledge for all 8 bit processors, and also most 16 bit processors), then use memcmp(). However, you need to think about doing this very carefully if there is the possibility of the code being ported to a platform where alignment is not on an 8 bit boundary.
  3. If you are working on a system that aligns on a non 8 bit boundary, then you must either use member by member comparison, or take steps to ensure that all the bytes of a structure are initialized using memset() before you start assigning values to the actual members. If you do this, then you can probably use memcmp() with a reasonable amount of confidence.
  4. If speed is a priority, then clearly memcmp() is the way to go. Just make sure you aren’t going to fall into a pothole as you blaze down the road.

Before I leave this topic, I should mention a few esoteric things for you to consider.

If you use the memcmp() approach you are checking for bit equality rather than value equality. Now most of the time they are the same. Sometimes however, they are not. To illustrate this, consider a structure that contains a parameter that is a boolean. If in one structure the parameter has a value of 1, and in the other structure it has a value of 2, then clearly they differ at the bit level, but are essentially the same at a value level. What should you do in this case? Well clearly it’s implementation dependent. It does however illustrate the perils of structure comparison.

Finally I should mention issues associated with structures that contain pointers. CS guys like to distinguish between deep and shallow structure comparison. I rarely write code where a deep comparison is required, and so for me it’s mostly a non-issue.

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Effective C Tip #7 – Use strongly typed function parameters

Monday, October 12th, 2009 Nigel Jones

This is the seventh in a series of tips on writing effective C. Today’s topic concerns function parameters, and more to the point, how you should choose them in order to make your code considerably more resilient to parameter passing errors.  What do I mean by parameter passing errors? Well consider a function that is intended to draw a rectangle on a display. The lousy way to design this function interface would be something like this:

void draw_rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color, int fill)

I must have seen a function like this many times. So what’s wrong with this you ask? Well in computer jargon the parameters are too weakly typed. To put it into plain English, it’s way too easy to pass a Y ordinate when you are supposed to pass an X ordinate, or indeed to pass a color when you are supposed to be passing an ordinate or a fill pattern. Although in this case (and indeed in most cases) these types of mistakes are clearly discernible at run time, I’m a firm believer in catching as many problems at compile time as possible. So how do I do this? Well there are various things one can do. The most powerful technique is to use considerably more meaningful data types. In this case, I’d do something like this:

typedef struct
 int x;
 int y;

typedef enum
 Red, Black, Green, Purple .... Yellow

typedef enum
 Solid, Dotted, Dashed .. Morse

void draw_rect(COORDINATE p1, COORDINATE p2, COLOR color, FILL_PATTERN fill)

Now clearly it’s highly likely that your compiler will complain if you attempt to pass a coordinate to a color and so on – and thus this is a definite improvement. However, nothing I’ve done here will prevent the X & Y ordinates being interchanged. Unfortunately, most of the time you are out of luck on this one – except in the case where you are dealing with certain sizes of display panels with resolutions such as 320 * 64, 320 * 128 and so on. In these cases, the X ordinate must be represented by a uint16_t whereas the Y ordinate may be represented by a uint8_t. In which case my COORDINATE data type becomes:

typedef struct
uint16_t x;
uint8_t y;

This will at least cut down on the incidence of parameters being passed incorrectly.

Although you probably will not get much help from the compiler, you can also often get a degree of protection by declaring appropriate parameters as const. A good example of this is the standard C function memcpy(). If like me, you find yourself wondering if it’s memcpy(to, from) or memcpy(from, to), then an examination of the function prototype tells you all you need to know:

void *memcpy(void * s1, const void * s2, size_t n);

That is, the first parameter is simply declared as a void * pointer, whereas the second parameter is declared as void * pointer to const. In short the second parameter points to what we are reading from, and hence memcpy is indeed memcpy(to, from). Now I’m sure that many of you are thinking to yourself – so what, the real solution to this is to give meaningful names to the function prototype. For example:

void *memcpy(void *destination, const void *source, size_t nos_bytes);

Although I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment, I’ll make two observations:

  1. You are assuming that the person reading your code is sufficiently fluent in the language (English in this case) that the names are meaningful to them.
  2. Your idea of a meaningful label may not be shared by others. I’ve noticed that this is particularly the case with software, as it seems that all too often the ability to write code and the ability to put a meaningful sentence together are inversely correlated.

The final technique that I employ concerns psychology!  Now one can argue that the failure to pass parameters correctly is due to laziness on behalf of the caller. At the end of the day, this is indeed the case. However, I suspect that in many cases, it’s not because the caller was lazy, but rather it’s because the caller thought they knew what the function parameter ordering is (or should be). A classic example of this of course concerns dates. Being from the UK (or more relevantly – Europe), I grew up thinking of dates as being day / month / year. Here in the USA, they of course use the month / day / year format. Thus when designing a function that needs to be passed the day, month and year, in what order should one declare the parameters? Well in my opinion it’s year, month, day. That is the function should look like this:

void foo(int16_t year, MONTH month, uint8_t day)

There are several things to note:

  1. By putting the year first, one causes both Europeans and Americans to think twice. This is where the psychology comes in!
  2. I’ve made the year signed – because it can indeed be negative, whereas the month and day cannot.
  3. I’ve made the month a MONTH data type, thus considerably increasing the likelihood that an attempt to pass a day when a month is required will be flagged by the compiler.
  4. I’ve made the day yet another data type (that maps well on to its expected range). Furthermore, attempts to pass most year values to this parameter will result in a compilation warning.

Thus I’ve used a combination of psychology and good coding practice to achieve a more robust function interface.
Thus the bottom line when it comes to designing function interfaces:

  1. Use strongly typed parameters.
  2. Use const where you can.
  3. Don’t assume that what is ‘natural’ to you is ‘natural’ to everyone.
  4. Do indeed use descriptive parameter names – but don’t assume that everyone will understand them.
  5. Apply some pop psychology if necessary.

I hope you find this useful.

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Effective C Tip #6 – Creating a flags variable

Thursday, October 1st, 2009 Nigel Jones

This is the sixth in a series of tips on writing effective C. Today I’m going to address the topic of creating what I call a flags variable. A flags variable is nothing more than an integral type that I wish to treat as an array of bits, where each bit represents a flag or boolean value. I find these particularly valuable in three situations:

  1. When the CPU has part of its address space that is much faster to access than other regions. Examples are the zero page on 6805 type processors, and the lower 256 bytes of RAM on AVR processors. Depending upon your compiler, you may also want to do this with the bit addressable RAM region of the 8051.
  2. When I’m running short on RAM and thus assigning an entire byte or integer to store a single boolean flag is waste I can’t afford.
  3. When I have a number of related flags where it just makes sense to group them together.

The basic approach is to use bitfields. Now I’m not a huge fan of bitfields – particularly when someone tries to use them to map onto hardware registers. However, for this application they work very well. As usual however, the devil is in the details. To show you what I mean, I’ll first show you a typical implementation of mine, and then explain what I’m doing and why.

typedef union
 uint8_t     all_flags;      /* Allows us to refer to the flags 'en masse' */
  uint8_t foo : 1,        /* Explanation of foo */
          bar : 1,        /* Explanation of bar */
          spare5 : 1,     /* Unused */
          spare4 : 1,     /* Unused */
          spare3 : 1,     /* Unused */
          spare2 : 1,     /* Unused */
          spare1 : 1,     /* Unused */
          spare0 : 1;     /* Unused */

static EX_FLAGS    Flags;  /* Allocation for the Flags */

Flags.all_flags = 0U; /* Clear all flags */

... = 1U; /* Set the bar flag */

There are several things to note here.
Use of a union
The first thing to note is that I have used a union of an integral type (uint8_t) and a structure of bitfields. This allows me to access all the flags ‘en masse’. This is particularly useful for clearing all the flags as shown in the example code. Note that our friends at MISRA disallow unions. However, in my opinion, this is a decent example of where they make for better code – except see the caveat below.
Use of integral type
Standard C requires that only types int and unsigned int may be used for the base type of an integer bitfield. However, many embedded systems compilers remove this restriction and allow you to use any integral type as the base type for a bitfield. This is particularly valuable on 8-bit processors. In this case I have taken advantage of the language extension to use a uint8_t type.
Use of an anonymous structure
You will note that the bitfield structure is unnamed, and as such is an anonymous structure. Anonymous structures are part of C++ – but not standard C. However, many C compilers support this construct and so I use it as I feel it makes the underlying code a lot easier to read.
Naming of unused flags
If you look at the way I have named the unused flags, it looks a little odd. That is the first unused flag is spare5, the next spare4 and so on down to spare0. Now I rarely do things on a whim, and indeed this is a good example. So why do I do it this way? Well, there are two reasons:

  1. When I first create the structure, I label all the flags, starting from spare7 down to spare0. This inherently ensures that I name precisely the correct number of flags in the structure. To see why this is useful, take the above code and allocate an extra flag in the bitfield structure. Then compile and see if you get a compilation error or warning. Whether you will or not depends upon whether your compiler allows bitfields to cross the storage unit boundary. If it does, then your compiler will allocate two bytes, and the all_flags member of the union will not cover all of the flags. This can come as a nasty surprise (and perhaps explains why MISRA is wary of unions). You can prevent this from happening by naming the flags as shown.
  2. When it becomes necessary to allocate a new flag, I simply replace the topmost unused flag (in this example that would be spare5) with its new name, e.g. zap. The remainder of the structure is unchanged. If instead I had named the topmost unused flag ‘spare0’, the next ‘spare1’ and so on, then the code would give a completely misleading picture of how many spare bits are left for future use after I had taken one of the unused flags.

If you look at what I have done here, it’s interesting to note that I have relied upon two extensions to standard C (which violates the MISRA requirement for no use of compiler extensions) and I have also violated a third MISRA tenet via the use of a union. I would not be surprised if I’ve also violated a few other rules as well. Now I don’t do these things lightly, and so I only use this construct when I see real benefit in doing so. I’ll leave it for another day to discuss my overall philosophy regarding adherence to the MISRA guidelines. It is of course up to you the reader to make the determination as to whether this is indeed effective C.
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Effective C Tip #5 – Use pre-masking rather than post-masking

Monday, August 17th, 2009 Nigel Jones

This is the fifth in a series of tips on writing what I call effective C.

Today I’d like to offer a simple hint that can potentially make your buffer manipulation code a little more robust at essentially zero cost. I’d actually demonstrated the technique in this posting, but had not really emphasized its value.

Consider, for example, a receive buffer on a communications channel. The data are received a character at a time under interrupt and so the receive ISR needs to know where to place the next character. The question arises as to how best to do this? Now for performance reasons I usually make my buffer size a power of 2 such that I can use a simple mask operation. I then use an offset into the buffer to dictate where the next byte should be written. Code to do this typically looks something like this:

#define RX_BUF_SIZE (32)
#define RX_BUF_MASK  (RX_BUF_SIZE - 1)
static uint8_t Rx_Buf[UART_RX_BUF_SIZE]; /* Receive buffer */

static uint8_t RxHead = 0; /* Offset into Rx_Buf[] where next character should be written */

__interrupt void RX_interrupt(void)
 uint8_t rx_char;

 rx_char = HW_REG;         /* Get the received character */
 Rx_Buf[RxHead] = rx_char; /* Store the received char */
 ++RxHead;                 /* Increment offset */
 RxHead &= RX_BUF_MASK;    /* Mask the offset into the buffer */

In the last couple of lines, I increment the value of RxHead and then mask it, with the intention of ensuring that the next write into Rx_Buf[] will be in the requisite range. The operative word here is ‘intention’. To see what I mean, consider what would happen if RxHead gets corrupted in some way. Now if the corruption is caused by RFI or some other such phenomenon then you are probably out of luck. However, what if RxHead gets unintentionally manipulated by a bug elsewhere in your code? As written, the manipulation may cause a write to occur beyond the end of the buffer – with all the attendant chaos that would inevitably arise. You can prevent this by simply doing the masking before indexing into the array. That is the code looks like this:

__interrupt void RX_interrupt(void)
 uint8_t rx_char;

 rx_char = HW_REG;         /* Get the received character */
 RxHead &= RX_BUF_MASK;    /* Mask the offset into the buffer */
 Rx_Buf[RxHead] = rx_char; /* Store the received char */
 ++RxHead;                 /* Increment offset */

What has this bought you? Well by coding it this way you guarantee that you will not index beyond the end of the array regardless of the value of RxHead when the ISR is invoked. Furthermore the guarantee comes at zero performance cost. Of course this hasn’t solved your problem with some other piece of code stomping on RxHead. However it does make finding the problem a lot easier because your problem will now be highly localized (i.e. data are received out of order) versus the system crashes randomly. The former class of problem is considerably easier to locate than is the latter.

So is this effective ‘C’. I think so. It’s a simple technique that adds a little robustness for free. I wouldn’t mind finding a few more like it.

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Effective C Tip #4 – Prototyping static functions

Saturday, July 4th, 2009 Nigel Jones

This is the fourth in a series of tips on writing effective C.

I have previously talked about the benefits of static functions. Today I’m addressing where to place static functions in a module. This posting is motivated by the fact that I’ve recently spent a considerable amount of time wading through code that locates its static functions at the top of the file. That is the code looks like this:

static void fna(void){...}

static void fnb(uint16_t a){...}


static uint16_t fnc(void){...}

void fn_public(void)
 uint16_t t;

 t = fnc();

In this approach (which unfortunately seems to be the more common), all of the static functions are defined at the top of the module, and the public functions appear at the bottom. I’ve always strongly disliked this approach because it forces someone that is browsing the code to wade through all the minutiae of the implementation before they get to the big picture public functions. This can be very tedious in a file with a large number of static functions. The problem is compounded by the fact that it’s very difficult to search for a non static function. Yes I’m sure I could put together a regular expression search to do it – but it requires what I consider to be unnecessary work.

A far better approach is as follows. Prototype (declare) all the static functions at the top of the module. Then follow the prototypes with the public functions (thus making them very easy to locate) and then place the static functions out of the way at the end of the file. If I do this, my code example now looks like this:

static void fna(void);
static void fnb(uint16_t a);
static uint16_t fnc(void);

void fn_public(void)
  uint16_t t;

 t = fnc();

static void fna(void){...}

static void fnb(uint16_t a){...}


static uint16_t fnc(void){...}

If you subscribe to the belief that we only write source code so that someone else can read it then this simple change to your coding style can have immense benefits to the person that has to maintain your code (including a future version of yourself).

Update: There’s a very interesting discussion in the comments section – I recommend taking a look.
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